James Woods blames being “a conservative” on why he no longer gets movie roles… in films… that are non pornographic, made by real film studios

There might be other reasons…

Steven Rouach


1. Definitely From Earth? — 2. His eyebrows escaped… (good for them).

You know what really gets the average person off of their comfortable couch and running to a theater, not even stopping for red lights, and leaving a trail of havoc and destruction in their wake, in their excitement to see a film?

The words: “Starring James Woods”.

Oh, even as I typed that sentence, I felt a shiver of a thrill, like; ‘oh, get me to a theater to see this! James Freakin’ WOODS man!!’.

Okay, no one has ever had that reaction, except for James Woods, and James Woods’ mother, and if she’s still amongst us, she’s like 185 years old, so she probably doesn’t have much else going on socially.

Now, say there was a movie starring Chris Pratt. See, now everyone is excited. People will watch Chris Pratt in a movie about a guy who reorganizes his closets, and then does some light bookkeeping, and everyone will just be fine with it. Like 78 -80% Rotten Tomatoes fine with it.

But James Woods. (Sounds of crickets chirping,… then a small thud as one cricket dies of boredom and falls out of the tree.)

See, no one, anywhere, is excited by this. Now. Let’s add the fact that James Woods is the type of conservative that makes Fox News say: “Egads man! Dial it back, dude…”. Well, it doesn’t HELP, but it also doesn’t make a ripple in a pond without water.

Take Scott Baio. — Then shoot him out into space. But before you do that: let’s examine him, like a species, but far less likable. See, when Scott Baio (accused of raping a minor) became, like yourself, one of the three celebrities endorsing Donald Trump, along with Ted Nugent (accused of raping a 12 year old girl), it’s not like their careers took any noticeable turn. Scott Baio is who you call when Donny Most and Anson Williams won’t take your call, and Ted Nugent had one crummy song that no one ever cared about, and is the musical equivalent of lime disease that got infected with AIDS, and then got pooped on by a bird. (According to: every music review ever written, and all the ones that weren’t).



Steven Rouach

Is a carbon based life form from Earth. Anyone who tells you he's not is absolutely lying. He's known for being dashing, heroic & humanity's last, best, hope.